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Somebody Duplicate Your Facebook Account ? Check Now !

Beware of  Duplicate Facebook Account

Beware Of the facebook account security. You might not aware on this situation where there have some people that may duplicate your facebook account like your name, to confuse your friends. They might asking help to your facebook friendlist such borrowing money or may be other personal agenda.

here is some example of people that their facebook has been duplicated. and the duplicator still on live until today

This Person Name Siti Hajar is An Original Facebook Account

But This Siti Hajar Facebook Account has been duplicated by someone.

facebook security

This duplicating mostly happen is when someone is start to popular or trending.

so how and what to do when this happening ?

1. When you detect the fake account of yours or other duplicate facebook account the seems as you in facebook. ( search thru facebook search button ).
2. Double check that is not your account.
3. Verify that someone has created your account.
4. ask your friend to report to facebook for the fake account.
5. Done.

Regularly Check ( maybe once monthly at the facebook search button. Top > Left of your facebook account.


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