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Internet and Computer Security Advisories and Updates

8 Important IT Security Guidelines for IIUM Community

This top 8 basic IT security policies are for Employees ( IIUM Staff/ Student)in securing themselves from online threats.

This IT Security advisory Guideline is for all Employees, IIUM Community, including IIUM
Students, IIUM Staff, IIUM Visitors, IIUM Web Administrators for all Kuliyyah, centres,
divisions and business units.


Users of the International Islamic University Malaysia has a responsibility to observe all of the following guidelines.

1. Keeping your system up to date

- All systems must be kept up to date with the critical updates and security patches. This
including End user pcs that using eihter Windows, Mac or Linux. Web Administrator have to alert
with their web server security patches.

2. Antivirus Software

IIUM Community has a business licences for antivirus software such F-secure, Symantec and Avast
Antivirus software which all the university members can use it either at home and office which
is automatically update when connecting to internet.

3. Password Protection

-Never Share your passwords
-Never Email your credential details
-Use Strong Passwords
- Staff is reminded to renew your password at least one time every six months, Or IIUM Staff
can change their password anytime through this link

4. Email and Attachments

- Dont Simply open any email attachment from untrusted resources ( trusted email sender )

5. Secure Your PC
- Logout or lock it when you are not use it.

6. Trusted Sites and Trusted Software
- prevent cracked version of websites and software as it have the possibility injected with

7. Backup Your Files and keep them secure

- schedule your data backup at least once a week. and keep the file at secured locations.

8. Legitimate use

- Legitimate use of IT facilities in IIUM for academic use and tele with university businesses.
Do not use it for personal illegal business ( such as upload an illegal content to sell abroad ), or using IIUM IT Facilities to launch hacking other third party websites, servers.

For Futher information

The IT Servicedesk provides general support and advice about your it needs

Contact the IIUM ITD Servicedesk at

Telephone : 03-61966666
email :

Self Service :
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